About Eva
From a young age, Eva was looking for something that made her feel fulfilled and gave her a purpose in life. When she thought she had found it, for example, in her law degree, sports, a good job, traveling, etc., she discovered it wasn’t actually what she was looking for - there had to be something more. So, even though she had a good life, there was always a feeling that something was missing, a sense of emptiness and lack, which caused her to experience a lot of emotional suffering, sadness, and hopelessness.
About six years ago, Eva became interested in meditation and had a very significant experience right away that made her curious. Through listening to a guided meditation, she fell into such a deep state (Samadhi) where nothing existed anymore: no Eva, no thoughts, no emotions, no worldly problems, just a deep sense of peace and quiet, clarity, and absolute freedom. From that moment on, she wanted to experience more of that.
Eva started meditating regularly with different spiritual teachers online, who were transmitting spiritual energies and higher states of consciousness. Early on, she was exposed to highly transformative energy transmissions. Soon after, Eva began to feel energies, see lights, and have visions. She learned that there are different levels of consciousness a human being can go through and experience. Over about three years of dedicated spiritual practice, she progressed through various levels of consciousness, such as Self Realization, God Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, Brahman Consciousness (Liberation), ParaBrahman, and Pure Divinity.
During the phase of Unity Consciousness (Oneness), Eva realized that trauma, emotional wounding, past life influences, and other factors were veiling the experience of the higher state. She understood that her human system needed healing and clearing from these low-vibrational energies. By working with a healer and using different practices to help clear her system, she achieved a clear and steady experience of Unity.
After a profound spiritual event where the Divine Mother took over Eva’s system and merged with her, the state of Brahman occurred. A few months later, an energy transmission started to come in, that Eva could transmit to others, and healing abilities started to develop. Another significant spiritual experience followed, where Eva was shown the source of all existence. That light merged with her system, and she was told that it was given back to her what was hers before. Eva calls this the transmission of the Highest Truth, which she is currently working with.
Since then, Eva has helped thousands of people from all over the world, guiding them on their path to spiritual awakening and healing their human systems.
In this Podcast I share my journey of Spiritual Awakening, interviewed by Gareth Duignam